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Comptabilité - Emploi ? Agnat

Find free service for investors in Pakistan.

Publiée le 16/08/2016 par Monica

The Angel Investment Network platform is a free service for investors interested in funding and becoming involved with some of the most innovative and exciting startups from all over the world. Once an investor has completed their profile, they are immediately able to search and browse an extensive list of investment opportunities. They can filter their search by location, industry and investment size to find a deal that suits. Once they’ve found a deal they’re interested in, they can message the entrepreneur through a private internal messaging service.
Membership gives investors access to around 50,000 investment opportunities each year as well as allowing them to be part of a global network of nearly 100,000 investors.
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Prix : 0.00 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 488616
  • Lieu : Agnat (43)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Emploi / Comptabilité
  • Annonce consultée 459 fois -
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