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Camel Trekking in Merzouga-Morocco Desert Tour

Publiée le 12/08/2012 par YAICHI (PRO)"offers the best moroccan costum tours for singles If you are planning a vacation, Morocco is the best place to spend an unforgettable experience.
Be sure your trip to Morocco will include a touch of guidance from Sahara Adventure Travel. If you have a dream of discovering exotic horizons, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will very happy to plan your next travel to Morocco as simple or as luxurious as you desire, suited to your budget and interests.
"Morocco Desert Safari" has a great experience in organizing trips in accordance with the budget of each person, as much individual as of groups, Join us o live and to share moments with nomad families of the desert…

Prix : 56 €
Infos Annonce :
  • Annonce Ref : 248745
  • Lieu : Maroc (98)- Voir Carte
  • Catégorie : Vacances / Afrique
  • Annonce consultée 782 fois -
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Camel Trekking in Merzouga-Morocco Desert Tour
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